Our History

Memorial Of Three Slave Couples

Descendants Safiyah Chauvin and Robin Proudie stand behind a small memorial located at Calvary Cemetery in St. Louis, Missouri. These six couples were the first DSLUE Ancestors to be forced to migrate from the Jesuits’ White Marsh plantation in Maryland to Missouri in 1823. 

Dry Bones Get Breath

When DSLUE founder Robin Proudie first met researchers Kelly Schmidt and Ayan Ali, they shared with her original documents from the Saint Louis University Archives, Jesuit Archives & Research Center, and other archives located in St. Louis, Missouri. Documents that revealed her great grandmother, three times removed, Henrietta Mills, was born into slavery at Saint Louis University (SLU) around 1844. Fascinated by what she had learned, Robin combed through the many documents the research team had compiled, transcribed, and translated during the three years of work with the Slavery, History, Memory, and Reconciliation (SHMR) Project. An initiative that studied Saint Louis University and the USA Central and Southern Province Jesuits’ ties to the institution of slavery.  The research has since revealed that over a hundred of her ancestors were trafficked by SLU and the Jesuits in Missouri from 1823-1865.  For Robin, the names on the records breathed back to life the dry bones of a people, ancestors who had been used, slained, and forgotten. 

In late 2019, after being contacted by the project team researchers, descendants Safiyah Chauvin, Stephen Chauvin, Greg Holley and Sonjia Williams began attending SHMR working group meetings at Saint Louis University.  The intent was to learn about the forgotten lives of their Ancestors uncovered by the research.  In March 2020, that all changed when the Covid-19 pandemic reared its deadly head and shut down the entire world.  In-person meetings stopped as virtual meeting spaces took hold.  Familiar with virtual platforms, Robin stepped in the gap to continue the important work her elders started.  

An archival record the DSLUE holds near and dear is housed at the Archdiocese of St. Louis Office of Archives and Records. It was recorded by a Jesuit priest on June 28, 1860. It reads: “I have this day united in the holy bonds of matrimony Charles Chauvin, slave of Mrs. Curtis, and Henrietta Mills, slave of St Louis University, witnesses Samuel Tyler and Ann Mills.”  The marriage most likely took place in the “colored chapel” in the upper gallery at the old St. Francis Xavier College Church.  Their witness, Samuel Tyler, was a cousin to Henrietta Mills, and it is believed that Ann Mills was also kin to Henrietta. 

DSLUE Elders
Henrietta Mills

Record of DSLUE Ancestors Charles F. Chauvin and Henrietta Mills’ marriage in 1860. The marriage was conducted at the upper colored chapel at St. Francis Xavier College Church.

But For Our Ancestors

It was a moving experience for descendants to read actual records that documented the marriage that endured so that they could be here today. Unions between enslaved people during this dark time in our historical past, are often romanticized in narratives put forth todayEven entanglements between the enslaver and those they enslaved are often depicted as consensual or as being a “love affair.” It’s an uncomfortable truth that enslaved people had no agency over their lives or their bodiesInstead, they were human beings treated as property, to be bought, sold, rented, abused, and bred, at the will of those who enslaved them. 

Slavery Illustration

Illustration of a Jesuit priest selling an Ancestor’s baby – Copyrighted art by Nanoart.

Nevertheless, the DSLUE families rejoice in the legacy of their forebearers’ perseveranceCharles’ and Henrietta’s marriage came together under the massive weight of human bondage, and endured the ravages of the American Civil WarIn November of 1864, Chauvin was drafted out of bondage and into the U.S. Colored Infantry as a private in the Union ArmyFueled by the possibility of freedom for himself and his growing family, he fought gallantly and rose to the rank of sergeantHe was discharged on November 11, 1865He continued a legacy of honorable military service to this country that many of his descendants share in common today. 

Final War Museum

Descendants travel to Washington D.C. to honor Ancestor and hero, Charles F. Chauvin, for his service in the Civil War. They visited the African American Civil War Memorial where the founder, Frank Smith, presented DSLUE with a certificate honoring Charles for being one of the 209,000 black heroes who helped to win the Civil War and save the Union.

After the war, Charles returned to St. Louis and reunited with his wife, three children, and extended family.  To survive after slavery’s abolition, they took jobs as laborers, porters, washers, and carpenters.  They did what they could to feed their growing family.  Between 1860 – 1884, Charles and Henrietta had ten children: Sylvester I (1860), William Francis (1862), Abraham (1865), Peter (1870), Mary Elizabeth (1871), Julia (1873), Rosine (1874), Lincoln (1877), Jerome Alexander (1878), and Louis Ignatius (1884).  Lincoln, or “Link” Chauvin is the direct line from which the founders of DSLUE descend.   

As young adults in the late 1800s, the Mills-Chauvin children worked in various occupations, including as mattress makers, barbers and musicians.  Sylvester, Abraham, Peter, Lincoln, and Louis were all talented musicians involved in St. Louis’s popular ragtime scene.   

Sylvester, Abraham, and Peter played brass instruments, while his brother Lincoln “Link” Chauvin played guitar.  Louis Chauvin, the youngest of the Chauvin brothers, became the most famed of the Chauvin musicians.  

Louis was highly regarded as a prodigy among peers, like Tom Turpin and Sam Peterson.  He performed and team up with Sam Patterson to form the Mozart Comedy Four, a quartet that sang opera songs and negro spirituals.   

In 1904, he won a coveted medal playing piano at the St. Louis World’s Fair.  Although, Louis performed many original works during his career, he had three published works:  “The Moon is Shining in the Skies” with Sam Peterson (1903), “Babe, It’s Too Long Off” words by Elmer Bowman (1906), and his most popular, co-composed with Scott Joplin, “Heliotrope Bouquet” in 1907.    

Ancestor Louis Chauvin’s genius was brought to life in the 1977 film, Scott Joplin by legendary actor and songwriter, Clifton Davis.  The king of Ragtime, Scott Joplin, was played by Emmy nominated actor, Billy D. Williams. 

Charles F. Chanvian Name On Wall

DSLUE Ancestor Charles F. Chauvin’s name is listed on the wall of the African American Civil War memorial (name will be corrected).

DSLUE Civil War Memorial

Descendants Robin and Kay visit the African American Civil War Memorial in Washington D.C. 

Charles Civil War Entry

Record of Charles F. Chauvin’s military service in the Union Army.

Uncle Louis

DSLUE Ancestor Louis I. Chauvin, Gifted Ragtime Musician 

Heliotrope Bouquet

Heliotrope Bouquet composed by Scott Joplin and Louis Chauvin 

1831 Maryland To Missouri Ledger

Ledger recorded in 1831 of DSLUE Ancestors who were made to labor at St. Stanislaus in that year, most of whom had been forced from the Jesuit’s White Marsh plantation in Maryland to Missouri in 1823 and 1829.

Scott Joplin House

Descendants travel to Washington D.C. to honor Ancestor and hero, Charles F. Chauvin, for his service in the Civil War. They visited the African American Civil War Memorial where the founder, Frank Smith, presented DSLUE with a certificate honoring Charles for being one of the 209,000 black heroes who helped to win the Civil War and save the Union.

Descendants Matter

The systematic erasure of enslaved people’s identities prior to 1870, and the lack of historical documentation are obstacles that continue to cause roadblocks for Black Americans seeking to learn about their heritage. These roadblocks are infamously known as the “1870 Brick Wall”. 

In 2019, the founders of DSLUE and other Missouri descendants were able to scale over that brick wall when they were contacted by the SHMR Project.  In 2021, the project was not disbanded,  leaving descendants to their own devices.   

Led by a desire to continue to uncover the history of their Ancestors, and to honor them by telling their stories, descendants organized to form the Descendants of the St. Louis University Enslaved, or DSLUE.


Historians Dr. Kelly Schmidt, Ayan Ali, and Cicely Hunter views Henrietta Mills-Chauvin’s application for Charles F. Chauvin’s military pension housed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Photo courtesy of Kelly Schmidt. 

SLU DuBourg Hall

DSLUE standing in front of Dubourg Hall on SLU campus. Founder Bishop Louis William Valentine Dubourg (1766-1883) requested in 1823 that the Maryland Jesuits establish a farm and Novitiate in Florissant and to bring with them “at least four or five or six negroes to prepare and provide additional buildings, and to cultivate the land.”

Cabin For Slaves

Aerial sketch of the Jesuit St. Stanislaus Seminary and Farm as it looked in 1836. DSLUE Ancestors helped construct the buildings labeled “Chapel & Refectory under construction” and “Present Rock House.” They lived in the cabin shown to the right. 

Why Revealing This History Restores

Bringing together familial ties severed by slavery is beginning to happened as a result of the dissemination of this historyFor example, Rashonda Alexander and Alison McCann are cousins who grew up in the St. Louis metro area, not far from Robin Proudie and her family. 

Cousin Ali Professional

Queen Descendant, Alison McCann

Queens Together Again

Heliotrope Bouquet composed by Scott Joplin and Louis Chauvin 

It wasn’t until Robin read an article in a St. Louis newspaper that featured Rashonda discussing her connection to this history, that she reached out to Rashonda, then Alison, on social media. Rashonda and Alison are descendants of Jack and Sally Queen, who were cousins to Proteus and Anny- Hawkins Queen.  

In 1829, Jack and Sally Queen and their children Notley, Harrison, Augustine, Isaac, Mary, Severine, and Ann, were all forced to Missouri from the Jesuit’s White Marsh plantation in Maryland to labor at the first Jesuit mission in the Midwest, St. Stanislaus, and to sustain St. Louis College, now Saint Louis University. 

Henrietta’s mother, Betsy Queen, who was around ten years old, her siblings Ned, Robert, Gabriel, Joseph, Matilda, Mary and her child, and their parents, Proteus, and Anny Hawkins-Queen was also part of that forced migration to Missouri.  Peter Queen, who was the son of either Proteus and Anny Hawkins-Queen or of Jack and Sally Queen, was also forced on this journey.  The two couples, and their children and grandchild, traversed over 1000 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to Missouri on a steamboat. 

In 1823, Thomas and Molly Brown, Isaac and Susan (Succy) Hawkins, and Moses and Nancy Queen, were the first three enslaved couples forced from White Marsh to help twelve Belgium and French Jesuits expand their presence in the Midwest. They walked from White Marsh to Wheeling, Virginia, then made a harrowing journey along the Ohio River on a flatboat before walking across Illinois and fording the Mississippi River to reach Missouri. 

When the Jesuits took over administration of Saint Louis University in 1829, they forced several enslaved people to labor at the college, including Thomas and Molly Brown, Ned Hawkins, and two of Ned’s sisters, whose names were not recorded. Matilda and Betsy Hawkins were later sent to work at the college.  Matilda married George Tyler, who was enslaved by Anthony Miltenberger, and Betsy married Abraham Mills, who was also enslaved by a St. Louis family.  Both families had children who were born into slavery at Saint Louis University and baptized at Saint Francis Xavier (College) Church. . 

Matilda Tyler and her children was held in bondage at Saint Louis College (University).  Determined to capitalize off Missouri law at the time, she began making arrangements with the Jesuits to purchase the freedom of herself and her sons.  She labored during the day and lent herself out in the evenings for over ten years.  An 1847 entry in the Province Treasury ledgers, under the heading “Matilda, colored servant” reads, “She is to have her freedom, if she pay $300 to be appropriated to St. Fr. Xavier Church.” The records indicate that she had indeed successfully purchased her freedom and that of her youngest son, Charles, by August 1, 1848 through four deposits totaling $300 (about $9,000 in 2018 dollars). 

Aunt Matilda Tyler Ledger To Be Free

DSLUE Ancestor Matilda Tyler’s ledger where it shows payments to the Jesuits for her family’s freedom. She lent herself out from 1847 to 1859 and successfully bought her and her five son’s freedom from the Jesuits at Saint Louis University.

George Tyler Manumitted

DSLUE Ancestor Matilda Tyler’s ledger where it shows payments to the Jesuits for her family’s freedom. She lent herself out from 1847 to 1859 and successfully bought her and her five son’s freedom from the Jesuits at Saint Louis University.

Samuel Tyler Copper Color

Deed of Emancipation document for Matilda’s youngest son Samuel Tyler which describe him as “copper color and a small scar on his forehead.”

Saint Stanilaus

DSLUE ancestors built and sustained St. Stanislaus, the first Jesuit-ran mission located in Florissant, Missouri.

Rock Building

The Rock building built in 1840 by DSLUE enslaved Ancestors. The building is the oldest remaining structure from St. Stanislaus. 

Rock House

Illustration of a Jesuit priest selling an Ancestor’s baby – Copyrighted art by Nanoart.

Rock House Marker

The Rock Building is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of Interior.

St. Francis Xavier College Church

Descendant Robin Proudie stands at the current St. Francis Xavier College Church. Her enslaved Grandparents, three times removed, Charles Chauvin and Henrietta Mills, were married in the original church in 1860. 

SLU Picture

Saint Louis University in 1847.

College Church

This image of the ruins of the original St. Francis Xavier (College) Church when it was torn down in the 1880s exposes the segregated chapel designated in 1858 for African Americans, including people enslaved at Saint Louis University. One record describes a boy “of remarkable musical talent” enslaved by the Jesuits, whose name was excluded from the account, who proudly played the chapel’s organ during services. 

St. Francis Xavier College

St. Francis Xavier College Church today

SLU Modern Picture

Aerial shot of Saint Louis University 2022.

SLU Enslaved Ancestors

DSLUE Jesuit Enslaved Ancestors chart

Surnames Of Ancestors Enslaved

Known Surnames of Jesuit Enslaved Ancestors

Descendants’ Sacred Journey of Discovery Brings New Opportunities

With this history being brought out of the darkness and into the light, new discoveries are emerging giving descendants new opportunities for hope and healing.   

Descendants are hopeful that during this era of truthtelling by the institutions and corporations that benefitted from centuries of empowing themselves off of the backs of our Ancestors, will move past the platitudes, panel discussions, publications, and press junkets, to truly atone for their past sins.  To finally begin to repair historical harms the legacy of chattel slavery, and centuries of anti-black policies that still affect descendant communities to this day. 

The linkages across time, spaces, and places crystalizes for descendants the unimaginable reality of the effects of the intergenerational harm done to their bloodlines.  Researching and revealing this history is a great first step toward healing and repair, but it’s not the only step.   

It is time the Jesuits Central and Southern Province and Saint Louis University live up to it’s core beliefs and commitment to justice.  In this instance, it is them who must invoke Examen prayers, and fervently, intentionally, and humbly commit to make up for the injustices they’ve perpetrated against another of God’s children. 

We Are One

DSLUE endeavors to unify all descendants of the Jesuits slaveholding diaspora, to come together and rejoice in the legacy of the brilliance, bravery, inginuity, resistance, and perserverance of our Ancestors.   

The DSLUE original five couples were brought to Missouri from Maryland, therefore, it was no suprise they are cousins to the descendants of Jesuit enslaved ancestors sold to Louisiana enslavers in 1838 to save a fledgling Georgetown University.  

DSLUE believes they and other descendant communities tied to the Jesuit slavery diaspora, affectionately called cousins, are not monolithic in their thinking.  All descendants should be given the grace to share in this season of reclaiming, restoring, and repairing in their own ways.  With that said…We Are One! 

Maryland Descendants

Descendants attend Prayer Ceremony for Jesuit enslaved Ancestor’s abandoned burial grounds at Sacred Heart Church (former land of White Marsh plantation) in Bowie, Maryland.

SLU Descendants Of Enslaved

DSLUE descendants from Missouri, Kentucky and Texas.

Maryland Descendant Family

Descendants of Jesuit enslaved Ancestors from St. Mary’s County, Prince Georges County, Baltimore, Missouri, and Louisiana.

Three Woman On A Table

DSLUE and their GU272 Cousins from Louisiana.

Group Descendant

DSLUE, Queen, and Mahoney cousins.

Descendants Gallery

Descendants Rashonda, Rhonda and Aysha from New Jersey

Eric Descendants

DSLUE descendants in Florida

Three Woman

DSLUE Cousins in St. Louis, Missouri.

Meet Our Team

Leadership Team

Robin Proudie's

Robin Proudie

Executive Director 

Generic Image Of A Default Avatar Profile Anonymous Person Website,

DoMarco Holley

Operations Manager, Social Media Manager

Generic Image Of A Default Avatar Profile Anonymous Person Website,

Areva Martin

Civil Rights Attorney and Media Consultant

Our Board

Robin Proudie's

Robin Proudie

Executive Director 

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Thurman Stephens, Jr

Thurman Stephens, Jr.


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Claire McFarland, Esq.

Claire McFarland, Esq.

Vice President

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Lawrence M. Haynes

Lawrence Haynes


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Samarya Hall Student Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator

Samarya Hall 

Student Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator

Read Bio
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How We Came to Be

In 2019, researchers from the Slavery, History, Memory, and Reconciliation (SHMR) Project—a collaboration between the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and Saint Louis University (SLU)—reached out to the founders and their families. They revealed that our ancestors were among those enslaved by the Jesuits and forced to labor at Missouri’s first Jesuit mission, St. Stanislaus, Saint Louis University, St. Francis Xavier College Church, and other affiliated churches, schools, and farms between 1823 and 1865.

The research conducted by the SHMR team revealed that the Jesuits were active participants in, and beneficiaries of, local, national, and global systems of slavery since their founding in 1534. To empower themselves economically, they enslaved thousands across the world. During their expansion into the U.S. Midwest and South, they trafficked upwards of 200 Black human beings, many of whom were our ancestors.

Eleven SLU presidents, all Catholic priests, bought, sold and bred bondsmen, women and children —beginning in 1823, when Thomas and Molly (Polly) Brown, Isaac and Susanna Queen-Hawkins, and Moses and Nancy Queen were forced to migrate from the Jesuits’ White Marsh plantation in Maryland to Missouri to help establish the Jesuits’ presence in the Midwest.

In 1829, Ancestors, Proteus and Anny Hawkins-Queen, Jack and Sally Queen, and many of their children were also forced to make that same journey, joining their kin to labor for generations until death or emancipation. Their forced labor further secured the economic growth of the Jesuits and their religious and academic institutions across the nation.

In 2021, driven by a desire to honor our ancestors and celebrate their resistance and perseverance, we, along with dedicated allies, founded the Descendants of the St. Louis University Enslaved, Inc., or DSLUE. In 2023, we officially became a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Meet Our Team

Leadership Team

Robin Proudie's

Robin Proudie

Executive Director 

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Tom Bailey

Tom Bailey

Director of Special Events/Grants/Fundraising

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DoMarco B. Holley

 Social Media Marketing Manager

Read Bio

Samarya Hall

Student Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator

Read Bio

Our Board

Robin Proudie


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Thurman Stephens, Jr

Thurman Stephens, Jr.


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Claire McFarland, Esq.

Claire McFarland, Esq.

Vice President

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Lawrence M. Haynes

Lawrence Haynes


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Areva M.

Areva Martin

Civil Rights Attorney and Media Consultant

Read Bio

Dr. Christopher Tinson 

Acadamy Advisor

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Samarya Hall 

Student Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator

Read Bio

 "Give light and people will find the way." Ella Baker

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Tom Bailey
Thomas R. Bailey, Jr.
Vice President of Development & Special Events Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc.

Thomas R. Bailey, Jr. is an accomplished professional with over 30 years of development and special events experience with a proven ability to build successful events and fundraising campaigns. Since 2016, Bailey has served as Vice President of Development & Special Events for the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, the #1 ranked Urban League affiliate in the United States. Tom is responsible for managing all aspects of fundraising to support the 60 programs and services that are administered to over 205,000 clients from the low to moderate income/under-served community. This includes grants, strategic partnerships and generating sponsorship of the Urban League Special Events Department portfolio, which includes the Martin Luther King Memorial Tribute, The Annual Dinner Meeting, and The Salute to Women in Leadership, the Urban Expo/Back to School Community Empowerment Festival and the Whitney M. Young Society Reception. All these special events have eclipsed previous performance records in terms of generating unrestricted revenue and generating positive awareness of the Urban League during Bailey’s tenure. Tom organized the first URBAN EXPO 2018 in combination with the Back-to-School Festival that posted outstanding attendance results as the largest event in the 107-year history of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis with over 25,000 in attendance (over 2 days). Then, in 2019 he organized the 2nd Urban Expo that drew over 27,000 attendees. Tom also served as the point person for the 2017 Urban League National Conference in St. Louis that was the most successful Urban League Conference in the History of the Urban League in terms of attendance (25,000+) and revenue and customer satisfaction.  Tom was instrumental to the development and implementation of the 2020 Urban League COVID-19 Relief drive-thru food distributions that served over 125,000 distressed clients in need with $5 million dollars’ worth of food, PPE, health safety information and more. Those activities grew Individual donations to fund Urban League programs and operations as a result of the positive awareness of the Urban League COVID-19 Relief Services.

Prior to his appointment at the Urban League, Bailey founded and served as President of the Missouri Black Expo from 1992 to 2013. The Expo grew to be one of the largest in the United States with the mission of providing attendees access to outstanding resources in the areas of individual / business development, health education & awareness and community development. As the organizer, Bailey was responsible for management of all aspects of the event including sponsorship, marketing, public relations, accounting, workshop development, Boxing tournament organizing and more. Prior to starting the Missouri Black Expo, Bailey worked for 10 years as an Account Executive, then Regional Sales Manager for KMOV TV Channel 4 in St. Louis.

Tom Bailey is committed to community service through volunteerism and has served as President of the 100 Black Men of Metropolitan St. Louis (2 years), National Events and Conference Chair of the 100 Black Men of America (15 years), National Executive Committee Member of the 100 Black Men of America (13 years) and founded the Annual Prostate Cancer Survivor’s & Awareness Walk (2003) that was implemented by the 100 Black Men of Metropolitan St. Louis. As a result, Bailey was honored with the Wimberley Award in 2004 (the Highest Honor of the 100 Black Men of America) and was presented with the USA Freedom Corps Community Service / Volunteerism Award from then President George W. Bush in 2006.

Thomas R. Bailey, Jr. from Dallas Texas, has a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications from the University of Tulsa, where he attended on a 4-year NCAA Football scholarship. He was signed by the Dallas Cowboys upon graduation Tom has three children, Graham, Shannon and Sydney.

Contact information:

Thomas R. Bailey, Jr.
Cell: 314 285-1448
email: tom.bailey444@gmail.com

Dr. Christopher Tinson
Academy Advisor

Dr. Christopher Tinson is an author, professor of history and Department Chair of African American Studies at Saint Louis University.  Tinson’s teaching and research focuses on histories of Africana radical traditions, black protest movements, U.S. Ethnic Studies, incarceration, and race and sports. His writings and reviews have been published in The Black Scholar, The Feminist Wire, Radical Teacher, Equity & Excellence in Education, SOULS: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture and Society, and Black Perspectives, among others.  His first book entitled Radical Intellect: Liberator Magazine and Black Activism in the 1960s is published on UNC Press (2017).


Tinson is a highly sought-after speaker and mentor who has led professional development workshops and lectured at numerous college campuses, high schools, and carceral institutions around the country.  He has received the David Gruber Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Pauli Murray Book Prize for best book in African American Intellectual History.


Dr. Tinson received his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2010.  He has been an active member of several professional organizations such as the National Council for Black Studies, the Association for the Study of African American Life and History, and the Association for the Study of the Worldwide African Diaspora. 

DoMarco B. Holley
Social Media Marketing Manager

DoMarco Holley is a decorated United States Air Force veteran, marketing strategist, and dedicated advocate for historical truth and justice. As the Social Media Manager for the Descendants of the Saint Louis University Enslaved (DSLUE), he utilizes digital storytelling and strategic outreach to amplify the voices of descendants and preserve the legacy of those enslaved by the Jesuits at SLU.

After serving four honorable years in the Air Force as an RF Transmissions Journeyman, DoMarco transitioned into marketing operations, earning his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. In 2020, he relocated to St. Louis to be closer to family and to actively engage in community advocacy and legacy work. Through his role at DSLUE, he is committed to bridging history with action, using digital platforms to educate, empower, and drive meaningful change.

Areva Martin
Legal and Media Consultant

Passionate, outspoken and insightful, AREVA MARTIN is one of the country’s leading influencers shaping media today. She is a CNN contributor, award-winning civil rights attorney, civic leader, philanthropist and talk show host. Areva is an audience favorite on networks and streaming cites and on a long list of shows from Dr. Phil to Good Morning America.

Her television credits include co-hosting the Emmy Award-winning daytime talk show The Doctors and the CBS syndicated talk show Face the Truth.  Areva is the host of the KBLA daily prime time news, politics and social affairs show, Areva Martin in Real Time.  Her web-based show, The Special Report with Areva Martin, is the winner of the 2023 Anthem Silver Award for highlighting racial disparities and social inequities in America.

A prolific writer, her opinion pieces on racial and gender equity, leadership, success principles, mentorship and disability rights are read regularly by millions. She has written hundreds of articles and op ed pieces for publications including USA Today, Ebony, CNN.com and Thrive Global.  Areva has front-page and in fold features in Power, Forbes, Redbook, Essence, Gladys, Sheen, Ebony, Gazelle and CEO Mom. magazines. 

A USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Areva’s books include, The Everyday Advocate: Standing Up for Your Child with Autism; Make It Rain: How to Use the Media to Revolutionize Your Business and Brand; and Awakening: Ladies, Leadership and the Lies We’ve Been Told. Her fifth book on race and the Black/white wealth gap, The Black Wealth Imperative, comes out in the Fall of 2023. The book is a part of a larger TV documentary series, which Areva will hosts and co-produce.

Samarya Hall Student Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator
Samarya Hall
Student Liaison/Volunteer Coordinator

is a 2nd Year MSW Candidate | Graduate Campus Minister | Advocate for Social Justice

Sam Hall is a second-year Master of Social Work (MSW) candidate at Saint Louis University’s School of Social Work, specializing in Communities and Organizations. With a deep commitment to addressing systemic issues and advancing social justice, Sam Hall is focused on developing strategies that empower communities and promote equitable access to resources.

In addition to academic pursuits, Sam Hall serves as a Graduate Campus Minister at the Eckelkamp Center for Campus Ministry, where she supports students’ spiritual and personal growth while fostering a sense of belonging. This role aligns with her passion for service and commitment to creating inclusive spaces for dialogue and reflection.

Sam Hall’s dedication to social justice was further strengthened upon learning about Saint Louis University’s history with enslavement. Motivated by this knowledge, she is driven to make a meaningful impact in within SLU’s community, advocating for transformative change and working toward healing and reconciliation.

Sam Hall continues to build on her foundation of empathy, leadership, and service as they work toward becoming a skilled social worker who can support individuals and communities in navigating challenges and achieving positive change.

Lawrence M. Haynes
Lawrence Haynes

Lawrence M. Haynes is a native of St. Louis, MO and a descendant of the St. Louis University Enslaved. Haynes was born and raised in St. Louis, graduating from De Smet Jesuit High School. Haynes earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Benedictine College in Atchison, KS. Formally trained as a therapist, Haynes earned his masters degree in mental health counseling from the University of Indianapolis. Currently, Haynes is a Ph.D. student at Howard University studying Higher Education Leadership and Policy, and works as a program manager for racial equity at the American Public Health Association in Washington D.C.

Claire McFarland, Esq.
Claire McFarland, Esq.
Vice President

Claire McFarland is deeply committed to issues of reparations and social justice. She is a member of the City of Evanston Reparations Committee and serves on the board of the Reparations Stakeholder Authority of Evanston, working to address the historic and ongoing harms caused by systemic racism and discrimination. She has written on the topic of racial justice, including the article “Antiracism in Action: Restorative Justice for the Harm Caused by our Legal System,” which was published last summer in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. Claire is also an attorney and a professional speaker, frequently presenting seminars on estate planning and her reparatory justice work.

In her professional career, Claire is a managing partner and founder of Claire McFarland Law, Ltd., a law firm in the Chicagoland area that specializes in advanced estate planning, estate administration, real estate matters, and small business services. Claire has become particularly interested in the role of inherited wealth in the racial wealth gap in America, as well as the ways in which institutional discriminatory practices has contributed to this gap. As a result, she has made a commitment to using her estate planning practice to address these issues and work towards reparations for the harms caused by systemic racism and discrimination. She takes a holistic approach to serving the legal needs of families and small businesses, working to protect assets and achieve goals while minimizing the need for court intervention through proactive education, preventative planning advice, and exploration of alternative dispute resolution options.

Claire holds a Juris Doctor degree from Northwestern University School of Law, where she was an associate articles editor for the Northwestern University Law Review and a Dean’s List recipient. She also holds a Master of Arts in Middle East Area Studies from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies, with a concentration in Middle Eastern economics, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Economics from Brown University. She is a member of the Illinois State Bar and the US District Court Bar for the Northern District of Illinois. Claire also founded and served as executive director of the Elder Law & Wellness Initiative, NFP in Chicago, IL, where she established and developed senior-focused programs, including legal clinics that provide free legal services and social service referrals to low-income seniors and their caregivers and family members. In addition to her professional work, Claire is affiliated with several bar associations, including the Catholic Criminal Justice Reform Network, the Cook County Bar Association, the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois (where she formerly served as Chairwoman of the Elder Law and Senior Outreach Committee), the Catholic Lawyers Guild (current Board member), the Black Women Lawyers Association, and the Illinois State Bar Association.



Thurman Stephens, Jr
Thurman Stephens, Jr.

Thurman Stephens, Jr. spent over 33 years mentoring and leading teachers and educating, coaching, and inspiring students in K-12 and postsecondary education.

He served as an executive administrator in the Dallas Independent School District, and principal in the Oklahoma and Michigan school districts. A proven effective leader, Stephens designed and enforced school policies and oversaw retention, training and development for academic professionals.

As administrator at Skyline Highschool, the largest highschool in the state of Texas and with over 5000 students, his sound decision making and skills in organizing, creative curriculum development and community engagement created a thriving environment for students that ensured a clear pathway to success.

Stephens held the position of sociology professor at Richland College where he taught introduction to Sociology, and Social Problems. He also served as a special advisor to superintendents and board of trustees advising on administration, curricula, financial management and operational matters.

Early in his career he served as a probation officer.

Stephens holds a master’s degree in Multicultural Education from Pepperdine University and a Bachelor of Science degree from San Diego State University. He is a proud United States Airforce veteran and is an active member of the Church of Christ.

Recently retired, Stephens spends his time with his wife of thirty-two years and their grandchildren, and working to honor the contributions of his Jesuit enslaved ancestors by ensuring that their legacies are preserved, and their stories are brought to the public for generations to come. 

Robin Proudie's
Robin A. Proudie
Executive Director

Robin A. Proudie is a decorated U.S. Navy veteran and retired civil servant with over 24 yearsof federal service. During her career, she held a top-secret clearance at the Pentagon and served in key roles at the Department of Justice and the U.S. Courts. After retiring in 2022, she embarked on her most important mission, honoring the legacy of her Jesuit-enslaved ancestors who were forced to build Saint Louis University and other Catholic schools and churches in the Missouri region between 1823 and 1865. As Founder and Executive Director of the Descendants of the St. Louis University Enslaved, her work is centered on remembrance, narrative change through education, and achieving repair for historical and lingering harms. Robin’s lifelong
commitment to justice and liberation for her people drives her work, as she relentlessly amplifies the voices of descendants, demands institutional accountability, and forges transformative
pathways toward healing, equity, and lasting repair.